$ gzip -cd courier_authpostfix.tar.gz | tar -xv
$ gzip -cd postfix-x.x.x.tar.gz | tar -xv
$ cp -a courier_authpostfix/authpfix postfix-x.x.x/src
DIRS = src/util src/global src/dns src/master src/postfix src/smtpstone \
to look like
DIRS = src/util src/global src/authpfix src/dns src/master src/postfix src/smtpstone \
(Note the additional src/authpfix) That way, you tell postfix makefiles to build
authpfix right after src/util and src/global.Whatch out! there are still some problems with library dependencies in the authpfix makefile. If you experience troubles compiling the module, please send me a mail with the output of make.
$ locate auth | grep ^/usr | grep courier
or using the ``libexecdir'' parameter printed by
$ courier-config
No special rights are needed (0755 should be good for both, with root:root as owner).
/usr/bin/env - PATH="$PATH" SHELL="$SHELL" POP3AUTH="$POP3AUTH" \
$TCPD -pid=$PIDFILE -stderrlogger=${sbindir}/courierlogger \
-maxprocs=$MAXDAEMONS -maxperip=$MAXPERIP \
${prefix}/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3login $AUTHMODULELIST \
${prefix}/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3d Maildir
in something like:
/usr/bin/env - LOGINDB="$LOGINDB" PATH="...and so on
Note, however, that this file may be different from system to sytem.Look to courier-authpostfix(1) for more details.