By default, authmkhome will look for a script in /usr/sbin/authmkhome-creator. It will call this script with the name of the user as the first argument and the directory to create as the second argument. Many other parameters may be available through the environment but you shouldn't rely on them too much since they may change from version to version of courier.
Anyway, you can specify a different homedir creator with the parameter ``MAILDIR_CREATOR''. You can put it in any of courier-imap or pop3 configuration files, as long as the script is executable. Actually, if you put this parameter in pop3d you should modify the init script in order to force the variable to be exported. In this case, you may want to modify your /etc/init.d/courier-pop3 to look like:
while the original should be quite similar to:
/usr/bin/env - PATH="$PATH" SHELL="$SHELL" POP3AUTH="$POP3AUTH" \
$TCPD -pid=$PIDFILE -stderrlogger=${sbindir}/courierlogger \
-maxprocs=$MAXDAEMONS -maxperip=$MAXPERIP \
${prefix}/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3login $AUTHMODULELIST \
${prefix}/lib/courier/courier/courierpop3d Maildir
If you want to, although useless in most cases, you can also specify two different
creators, one for the pop3 daemon and one for the imap daemon. Just put a different
``MAILDIR_CREATOR'' in the correct configuration files. Make sure to
read the following sections on how to write a creator since it can be quite tricky.